What is Little Learners Love Literacy?

Little Learners Love Literacy® is an explicit and sequential literacy approach for teaching children to read, write and spell with confidence.
Evidence-based literacy research stresses the importance of explicit and sequential literacy teaching from the beginning. Our goal is to have this happening in every Foundation classroom from the start, giving children the best possible chance of developing into fluent readers, writers and spellers.
Little Learners Love Literacy® is a systematic and engaging program with focused explicit lessons, games, crafts, music, puppets, drawing and much more.
Our Seven Stages sequence ensures that children are never asked to read something that is too difficult for them or that they have not been taught the skills to read yet.
Decodable Books are our ‘secret ingredient’ for success. They only use the sounds and letters children have been explicitly taught allowing them to apply their learning and build confidence. These are Australian books children LOVE to read with words they CAN read.
Little Learners Love Literacy® is designed to be used whole class in Foundation, Year 1 and into Year 2. It can additionally be used for intervention – tier 2 and 3. We focus on:
• Phonemic awareness and phonics for spelling and reading
• Handwriting
• Reading fluency
• Vocabulary and comprehension.
The sequence also includes morphology.

Little Learners Love Literacy® comprises:
• Milo’s Resources (teaching resources and games linked to the Milo’s Birthday Surprise storybook for teaching stages 1-4)
• Pip and Tim (decodable books, teaching resources and games for every stage in the program)
• The Wiz Kids (decodable fiction books stages 1-4)
• Little Learners, Big World (decodable nonfiction stages 1-7)
• Little Learners Love Literacy® Assessments (for phonological awareness, reading and spelling)
• Little Learners Love Literacy® Professional Learning (2-day workshops, webinars and more).
Little Learners Love Literacy® is created by Maureen Pollard, an experienced teacher and literacy consultant who has developed the program from evidence-based literacy research and a lifetime of teaching literacy in England, Spain, South Africa and Australia. Little Learners Love Literacy is a local organisation, working from Surrey Hills, Melbourne
Register for a free introductory webinar or contact the Little Learners team to find out more.