About Copyright
All resources and services supplied by Little Learners Love Literacy (Learning Logic Pty Ltd) are protected by copyright law.
©Learning Logic Pty Ltd.
©Little Learners Love Literacy as trustee for Little Learners Love Literacy Discretionary Trust.
Little Learners Love Literacy® is a registered trademark.
All rights reserved.
Please don't break copyright laws or violate our intellectual property.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is copyright?
When a person creates an original work that is fixed in a physical medium, they automatically own copyright to the work. As the copyright owner, they have the exclusive right to use the work. Only the copyright owner can say whether someone else has permissions to use the work. Copyright is law. In Australia, copyright exists in works and other subject-matter by virtue of the Copyright Act 1968. The Copyright Regulations 2017 and the Copyright (International Protection) Regulations 1969 specify matters related to the operation of the Copyright Act.
What does copyright protect?
Copyright provides legal protection for people who express original ideas and information in certain forms. The most common forms are writing, visual images, music and moving images.
When is copyright infringed?
Generally, copyright is infringed if a person does one of the exclusive acts reserved to the copyright owner without that owner's permission. There can be infringement even if only part of a copyright item is used. A use of a 'substantial part' can infringe.
Are there any exceptions to infringement?
The Copyright Act provides exceptions which enable some access to copyright material. The most important exceptions permit 'fair dealings' with copyright material for certain purposes:
• research or study
• criticism or review
• reporting of news
• giving of professional advice by a lawyer or a patent or trade mark attorney
• making accessible format copies by, or on behalf of, a person with a disability.
How do I find out what I’m allowed to do with my book or resource?
Look in the back of the book. The imprint page will always state what is allowed and not allowed. Here’s an example from two different types of resources:
Example 1:
Below is an example of an LLLL decodable book imprint page found at the back of the book. Absolutely no photocopying, screenshots, scans are any reproduction of these books is permitted without permission from the publisher and/or the copyright holder.
Example 2:
Below is an example of an LLLL Teacher Activity Resource imprint page found at the front of the book. LLLL TARs grant limited copying of blackline master activity sheets only within the school and classroom of the purchaser only. The terms are outlined within the imprint and generally limit copying as follows:
"Copying of blackline master pages for classroom use:
The purchasing educational institution and its staff are permitted to make copies of the blackline master pages, beyond their rights under the Act, provided that:
1. The number of copies does not exceed the number reasonably required by the educational institution to satisfy its teaching purposes;
2. Copies are made only by reprographic means (photocopying), not by electronic/digital means, and are not stored or transmitted;
3. Copies are not sold or lent;
4. Copies are made from the original book;
5. Every copy made clearly shows the footnote ‘© Little Learners Love Literacy’/ '©Learning Logic'."
If in doubt, always contact Little Learners Love Literacy before acting in a way which may breach our copyright. We thank you for your respect for our work and the work of our authors and illustrators.