Stage 7.2 Read, write and Draw
One of LLLL's guiding principles is that children are never asked to do anything that they haven't been taught yet. In this activity children apply their knowledge to read (decoding), write (encoding and handwriting) and draw ( demonstrating comprehension).
Download Stage 7.2 Read, Write and Draw
Stage 7.2 Speed words
A list of words from the book that include the focus phonemes and graphemes is included in every Big World nonfiction book. Download this version and print out for partner reading and fluency work. You can also print and cut into cards for sorting activities.
Download Stage 7.2 Speed Words
Stage 7.2 Did You Know?
Did you know ... how excited we are to share this PDF resource with you?! A compact 1-page resource for every book including more facts, questions to talk about and ideas for writing. Designed for comprehension development - more vocabulary, more content knowledge
Download Stage 7.2 Did You Know?Find out more about the Little Learners, BIG WORLD nonfiction series here. Including a summary of titles, topics and features. As well as links to useful resources and support for school and home.
What sequence do the books follow? When do children practise digraphs? When do they move onto long vowels? Download our tried and tested Little Learners Love Literacy scope and sequence to find out.
Decodable Books Webinar
Do you have lots of questions about decodable books? We run regular free webinars explaining what decodable books are, how they work and how they can be used in the classroom and at home. You can sign up to a session here.
Print this checklist to monitor how many times you read each BIG WORLD decodable nonfiction book. Each book should be read 2-3 times to build automaticity, fluency and confidence. Download for free here.
Using decodable books in small group sessions allows children to apply their phonics knowledge, whilst you guide them towards mastery and independence. Find out more on our website here.
Book Box Labels
Organise your small group sets of books and supporting resources using these handy book box labels! Download for free here.